It was inevitable…

You know…you live your whole life not having to worry about certain things, and then one day you realize that the time has come. You’re faced with a situation you have never come across and you are forced to deal with it, like it or not.

It’s part of life and it’s inevitable.

For me, this time came earlier this week. Hard to believe I made it to 40 without having to even give this a second thought.

I bought my own socks. 

Yes. You read that correctly. I had to purchase my own socks.

For my entire life, socks have been provided to me as Christmas gifts and I lived in blissful ignorance. New socks would just show up each year. Year after year, and sometimes, I had more than I could use and they piled up. Brand new packages stashed away.

But, this week, I came to the realization that my unopened sock stash had run dry and I needed to look for my own new socks.

It took me quite some time scanning through Amazon listings for just the perfect package of socks.

I settled on some black Hanes ankle socks. The descriptions suggests that they will help keep my feet cool, which is of little importance to me since I can’t really feel temperature in my feet.  I hope they serve me well.

I just got a notification from Canada Post that they’re in my mailbox now, waiting for me to pick them up. I will let you know how they turn out.  🙂

The whole sock purchase reminded me of a funny story regarding socks, from my wedding day.

I woke up that day pretty excited. I didn’t think I was nervous. What was there to be nervous about? I was marrying near perfection, so that part of the day was no concern.

Earlier that week my Mom purchased a new pair of black socks for me, suggesting that for my wedding day, I shouldn’t likely wear mismatched socks or ones with small holes in them. What a good Mom, eh?

So, that morning I was walking around the house looking for this pair of black socks. I couldn’t quite remember where I had put them. I was walking around in a white T-Shirt and shorts and I had looked everywhere for my new socks, or so I thought.

Finally, I went upstairs where Mom & Dad were in the kitchen and I asked “Do you guys know where my new socks are?”

They looked at me in a puzzled way, and said “The ones on your feet?”

Sure enough. There they were. On my feet, right where I had put them about 15 minutes earlier.

I guess my mind was on other things.

Maybe I was nervous after all?

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